

5 years of reform –

5 years of success

The reform and renewal efforts of Reform Rector Prof. Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt were so successful that the HfP became one of the best political science institutes in the German-speaking world within a very short period of time.

Exogenous and Endogenous Transformations in Focus: Second Workshop on the Dynamics of International Regime Complexes

July 1, 2024|

In a setting as rich in history as in academic fervor, the Chair of European and Global Governance at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) recently hosted the [...]

The Future of the Transatlantic Partnership: Europe and North America in the Face of Global Changes

June 10, 2024|

At the invitation of the Chair for European and Global Governance, scholars from leading global institutions gathered at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) to delve into the [...]

Member of the Bavarian American Academy

February 14, 2023|

Prof. da Conceição-Heldt was granted membership in the Bavarian America Academy, a unique inter-university consortium and network of Bavarian scholars [...]

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