Successful completion of the reform phase of the Hochschule für Politik München at the Technical University of Munich

Picture: A. Eckert
The Hochschule für Politik München (HfP) officially ended its reform phase in October 2021. Under the leadership of reform rector Prof. Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt, the HfP was able to develop within a very short time with its new transdisciplinary and application-oriented research approach “Bringing Politics and Technology Together” into one of the best political science institutes in German-speaking countries, as shown by the university ranking from the Center for Higher Education Development, which ranks the HfP among the top group in the subject “Political Science”.
The symbolic baton change at the top of the HfP took place on 01 October 2021 during the event “Building on the Past – Moving into the Future”. Numerous guests from politics, science, business and society were present and followed the impressive event.
Five years of success
The 5-year reform process of the HfP was successfully completed under the leadership of reform rector Prof. Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt in accordance with the guidelines decided by the Bavarian Parliament. Not only has the HfP been placed on new feet, the HfP has also sustainably strengthened and complemented Munich as a center of science with its new research approach. The scientific expertise in research and teaching has been broadly positioned and convinces the students of the HfP. In addition to the classic study content of political science, the impact of technological progress, e.g. in the areas of energy, environment, climate change, European and global governance, global health, digital governance, big data, data security, as well as mobility, are now also taught through an outstanding range of courses. In order to successfully master this task, the teaching staff of the HfP has almost doubled within only 5 years. This is complemented by an attractive study environment and individual support and advice for students. High-profile event formats such as the speaker series “Munich Talks” and the annual conference “Munich Politics Network” have also been launched.
Recognition from top international researchers and prominent public figures for reform rector
The HfP’s success story has been followed nationally and internationally with great interest and amazement. The reform and renewal policy of Prof. Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt, who has achieved many results as shown above, has been acknowledged and thanked by numerous top international researchers and public figures.